- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Publication Ethics
- Allegations
Focus and Scope
ODJ is a brand-new peer-reviewed venue for the publication of high-quality research promoting the archaeology, history and heritage of frontiers and borderlands focusing on the Anglo-Welsh border and comparative perspectives.
The editors invite submissions that explore dimensions of Offa’s Dyke, Wat’s Dyke and the ‘short dykes’ of western Britain, including their life-histories and landscape contexts. ODJ will also consider investigations of frontiers and borderlands from elsewhere in Britain, Europe and beyond from prehistory to the contemporary world, with a focus on human-made frontiers and borderlands and resistance to them.
We accept:
- Notes of up to 3,ooo words
- Interim reports on fieldwork of up to 5,000 words
- Journal articles of up to 10,000 words
ODJ will be published by JAS Arqueología, and is supported by the University of Chester and the Offa’s Dyke Association.
The journal will be open access: free to authors and readers.
Print copies of the journal will be made available for purchase to members of the Offa’s Dyke Association and the general public through the Offa’s Dyke Centre.Section Policies
Submit your manuscript to:
Do not forget to follow the guidelines for authors.
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
All articles will pass a double blind review before publication aiming to enrich and strenght the submitted texts. Reviews will be made by external professionals somehow related with the topic of the article and trying to encourage constructive comments.
Publication Frequency
The journal will be published in January each year.
Publication Ethics
We adhere to the "Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing" published by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
1. Peer review: All our articles will pass a peer-review process (see).
2. Governing body: Both the 'Editorial Team' and the 'Editorial Board' are on top of the decissions made, being experts in the field. (3.) You will have all the proper information to contact us.
4. Author fees: No fees are applied either for authors or readers (11.).
5. Copyright: The journal is distributed under a Creative Commons license (see).
6. Allegations: We try hard to adhere to the highest standards of academic editorial integrity. We will work hard to ensure that any notified or identified issues of misconduct will be dealt with in an appropriate manner (see).
7. Ownership and management: JAS Arqueología S.L.U. provides with the platform for the journal, edited by the University of Chester and the Offa's Dyke Association (12.).
8. Our web site generates from OJS (9.) stating our registered name under the ISSN database.
10. Conflict of interest: is seriously taken and authors must state any before submitting.
13. We advertise through social media only, using our own media and trying to highlight all content at the same level. (16.) Manuscripts are asked for in open calls besides forums and reviews, for which we might contact individuals we know.
14. Publishing schedule: 1 volume published on January each year.
15. Archiving under LOCCKS.
We will take very seriously any allegations regarding misconduct in the publication of content in our journal.
On this sense, any allegations will be dealt with following the PERK (Publishing Ethics Resource Kit) provided by Elsevier for plagiarism, authorship, etc. complaints as well as other ethical issues towards any of the parts involved in the process (follow the link above for details).
We are keen to publish any corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.