
Issue Title
Vol 8 (2018) Communicating Cultural Heritage Resources to the Public: Experiences from the Makonde of Mtwara Region, Tanzania. Abstract  PDF
Festo Wachawaseme Gabriel
Vol 9 (2019) Participatory Evaluation of Cultural Heritage Based Programming to Empower Communities: A Quantitative Analysis Abstract  PDF
Laura Kelly Clark, Tyler B. Smith, Samantha R. Seals
Vol 5 (2015) Local Communities’ Perceptions of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Resources in the Mtwara Region of Tanzania Abstract  PDF
Festo W. Gabriel
Vol 11 (2021) Assessing endangerment of archaeological heritage in Latvia: legal framework and socio-economic aspects Abstract  PDF
Andris Kairiss, Irina Olevska
Vol 5 (2015) Of Pyramids and Dictators: Memory, Work and the Significance of Communist Heritage in Post-Socialist Albania Abstract  PDF
Francesco Iacono, Klejd L. Këlliçi
Vol 7 (2017) Forum: State-consented destruction of archaeological sites: the Dakar rally in northern Chile (2009-2015)  PDF
Fernanda Kalazich
Vol 7 (2017) Forum: Archaeology and development in Taiwan - the case of Hanben  PDF
Nicolas David Zorzin
Vol 11 (2021) Modeling Municipal Heritage Management Abstract  PDF
Adriaan De Man, João Tiago Tavares
Vol 8 (2018) Reflecting on evaluation in public archaeology Abstract  PDF
Kate Ellenberger, Lorna-Jane Richardson
Vol 7 (2017) Review: Collecting, Ordering, Governing: Anthropology, Museums, and Liberal Government.  PDF
Alexandra Ion
Vol 11 (2021) Objects as battlefields in the struggle for civil rights: The archaeology and analysis of contemporary material culture and heritage in Chile Abstract  PDF
Dafna Goldschmidt Levinsky, Javiera Letelier Cosmelli
Vol 6 (2016) Participating in the contingency. Painting, sweeping and cooking Abstract  PDF
Jaime Delgado Rubio
Vol 11 (2021) Review: Educación y divulgación del patrimonio arqueológico Abstract  PDF
Eduardo Cerrato Casado
Vol 6 (2016) Development and Re-Configuration of Heritage Perception: History Textbooks and Curriculum Abstract  PDF
Veysel Apaydin
Vol 6, No 2 (2016): Special Volume 2 Community Rescue: Saving sites from the sea Abstract  PDF
Tom Dawson
Vol 4, No 2 (2014): Special Volume 1 Branding local heritage and popularising a remote past: The example of Haugesund in Western Norway Abstract  PDF
Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen
Vol 4 (2014) Roșia Montană. When heritage meets social activism, politics and community identity Abstract  PDF
Alexandra Ion
Vol 7 (2017) Community engagement through archaeological ethnography: learning in situ with a field school in Gonies Maleviziou, Crete  PDF
Eleni Stefanou, Aris Anagnostopoulos, Vangelis Kyriakidis
Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Special Volume 3 Exploring your Inner Hades: DNA as Mortuary Archaeology Abstract  PDF
Thomas James Booth
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