THEORETICAL SUMMARY FOR ANDEAN MINING CONTEXTS: APPROACHES FROM INDUSTRIAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL ARCHAEOLOGY - Revisión teórica para contextos de minería andinos: un acercamiento desde la arqueología antropológica industrial

Osvaldo Sironi


Throughout the Andes, there were similar technological and socio-environmental transformations and transitions in the rise and consolidation of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth to twentieth centuries. These are manifested in historically particular cases that make up the socio-environmental universe of Andean mining. This essay exposes theoretical and methodological guidelines for archaeological–historical research projects in Andean mining contexts. These guidelines make it possible to interpret the material conditions of the lives of the workers who inhabited the mining settlements as well as to identify sources toward a holistic view of each case study’s historical particularities. This paper addresses the relationship between methodological concepts and the empirical sources that should be taken into account for the purpose of proposing a research framework for industrial mining in the Central-South Andes.

Palabras clave

Industrial anthropological archeology; Andean mining landscapes; Methodological assumptions; empirical sources; ways of life.

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